
Imagined AI depiction of Hoa from "The Stone Sky" by N.K. Jemisin, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Mentor in the narrative.
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Hoa is a mysterious and enigmatic character with a connection to the ancient history of the world. He possesses profound knowledge and a sense of purpose that drives his actions. Hoa’s deep introspection and unwavering determination make him a compelling character who provides crucial insights into the world’s past and the events shaping the present.


[“This is what you must remember: the ending of one story is just the beginning of another. This has happened before, after all. People die. Old orders pass. New societies are born. When we say \”the world has ended,\” it’s usually a lie, because the planet is just fine.”,”You’ve already answered your own question. and you do want to see me again.”,”Everything is a choice. Orogene or not. Damaya, Syenite, or Essun. You have choice, and you can make it now.”]


Copper skin, long black hair, piercing blue eyes, wiry and graceful build.




Longevity, deep knowledge of history and events








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