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The characters of Science Fiction and Fantasy

Imagined AI depiction of The Overseer from "Blackout" by Mira Grant, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Villain in the narrative.
Mira Grant

The Overseer

Authors: Mira Grant No Year(s) tags for this post.

Dy Sanda

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Imagined AI depiction of Bethany Caprio from "Bronte’s Egg" by Richard Chwedyk, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Loyal Companion in the narrative.
Aliette de Bodard

Bethany Caprio

Authors: Aliette de Bodard No Year(s) tags for this post.

N.K. Jemisin


Authors: N.K. Jemisin No Year(s) tags for this post.

Imagined AI depiction of Shuos Mikodez from "Revenant Gun" by Yoon Ha Lee, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Political Mastermind in the narrative.

Shuos Mikodez

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Imagined AI depiction of Lilith from "Laughter Among the Trees" by Suzan Palumbo, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Antagonist in the narrative.
Suzan Palumbo


Authors: Suzan Palumbo No Year(s) tags for this post.