
Foreigner is a science fiction novel written by C. J. Cherryh. The story follows the protagonist, Bren Cameron, a translator and diplomat, who is the sole human allowed to reside among the atevi, an alien species on the world of Reunion. A tense alliance between humans and atevi has endured for centuries, though it remains fragile due to the striking differences in their cultures, customs, and psychology. Bren faces the daunting task of navigating the complexities inherent in these differences while striving to maintain peaceful relations. However, his challenging mission becomes even more perilous when political turmoil and betrayals threaten to unravel the delicate balance between the two species. As the tensions escalate, Bren finds himself embroiled in a complex web of loyalty, deception, and inter-species intrigue, all of which could have far-reaching consequences for both atevi and humans. Foreigner masterfully explores themes of communication, understanding, and the complexities of interspecies relationships, while also delivering a gripping narrative filled with political intrigue and cultural exploration.

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Bren Cameron

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