Samuel Zappia

Imagined AI depiction of Samuel Zappia from "The Ten Thousand Doors of January" by Alix E. Harrow, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Loyal Companion in the narrative.
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Samuel Zappia is January’s loyal friend and companion who joins her on her explorations through secret doors to other worlds. He is resourceful, perceptive, and fiercely protective of January. Samuel is a skilled problem-solver and a calming presence during their adventures, providing valuable support and friendship to January. He is dependable, with a hidden strength and determination that emerges when faced with challenges beyond the doors.


[““I don’t know the first thing about dark magic. I don’t even know if there is such a thing.””,”“Wherever you go, I will follow.””,”“Some people are trees and some are rivers. And I’m not a tree.””]


Samuel has olive skin, short black hair, and warm hazel eyes. He is of medium height with a sturdy build and often wears practical and durable clothing suitable for their adventures.




Resourcefulness, perception, loyalty


Loyal Companion






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