
Imagined AI depiction of Scile from "Embassytown" by China Miéville, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Native Alien in the narrative.
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Scile is one of the Ariekei, the native species on the planet Arieka in ‘Embassytown’ by China Miéville. Scile is particularly significant as it becomes involved in the disruption caused by a new type of ‘Ambassador’ arriving on the planet. As an Ariekei, Scile embodies the alienness and peculiarity of the native species, showcasing the challenges of understanding their communication and culture.


[“The challenge to the Ariekei is that they cannot lie.”,”The sound devises the sense, not vice versa.”,”What is said must be essentially true for it to be.”]


Scile has iridescent skin, multiple eyes, and features that are both mesmerizing and unsettling to human observers.




Communicates in the peculiar language of the Ariekei


Native Alien





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