Rachel Mansour

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Rachel Mansour is one of the protagonists in the science fiction novel “Iron Sunrise” by Charles Stross. She is portrayed as a resourceful and determined intelligence agent, skilled in espionage and combat. Rachel is deeply committed to uncovering the truth behind the cataclysmic attack on the planet of Moscow. She is characterized by her sharp intellect, quick thinking, and a willingness to take risks for the greater good. Throughout the story, Rachel grapples with moral dilemmas and the complexities of interstellar politics, showcasing her resilience and adaptability.


[“We’re going to find out who did this, and why. And then the fireworks will start.”,”I’d rather die as a part of something big than live as part of something small.”,”In the end, we’re all alone, Martin. Save for the people we care about; why are they worth less than ourselves?”]


Rachel has dark hair and piercing blue eyes. She is of average height with a strong and athletic build, often seen wearing a practical yet stylish outfit suitable for her line of work.




Espionage, combat skills, sharp intellect


Intelligence Agent






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