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Mwita is a close friend of Onyesonwu and a key figure in her journey. He is known for his unwavering loyalty and dedication to their cause. Mwita provides much-needed support, wisdom, and companionship to Onyesonwu as she confronts her destiny and challenges the oppression faced by their people.


[“Sometimes the heart leads and the mind must follow.”,”We all have scars, Onyesonwu. Some are on the outside, some are on the inside. It’s the ones inside that are the hardest to heal.”,”My loyalty is not a battle you need to fight.”]


Mwita has a lean and muscular build, with short cropped hair and piercing brown eyes. He bears the scars of his own struggles visibly on his face and arms.




Skilled in combat, tracking, survival


Loyal friend, Mentor






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