Lloyd Davis

Imagined AI depiction of Lloyd Davis from "Factoring Humanity" by Robert J. Sawyer, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of {'value': 'Psychology Professor', 'rendered': 'Psychology Professor'} in the narrative.
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Lloyd Davis is a psychology professor and the husband of Heather Davis. He becomes entangled in the narrative when he encounters an unusual syndrome affecting a group of college students. Lloyd’s character is marked by his compassionate nature, intellectual pursuits, and his deep connection to his family.


[“We need to approach this with both empathy and scientific rigor.”,”There’s more to this than meets the eye.”,”Understanding the human mind is just as complex as understanding the cosmos.”]


Lloyd Davis is depicted as having short salt-and-pepper hair, kind brown eyes, and a warm smile. He has a comforting presence and a scholarly air about him.




Empathy, keen observational skills


Psychology Professor






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