Laurence Armstead

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Laurence Armstead is a brilliant and unconventional mad scientist in ‘All the Birds in the Sky’. Highly intelligent and inventive, Laurence is passionate about technology and driven by a desire to understand and control the world around him. Despite his eccentricities, Laurence is fiercely loyal and becomes deeply involved in the mission to avert impending disaster. He is determined to use his scientific prowess for the betterment of humanity.


[““There are things that are not sayable. That’s why we created music.””,”“The universe is just flickering patterns of information. There’s no escape, really.””,”“You have to be as ruthless as reality.””]


Laurence has messy brown hair, intense hazel eyes, and a tall, lean build. He often wears rumpled shirts and is known for his absent-minded demeanor.




Genius intellect, technological innovation, engineering


Mad Scientist






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