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[“\”The Bitchun Society’s ad-hocracies are interesting—they basically act as economic machines, which functions quite well when there’s no real scarcity.\””,”\”In this time, the images don’t age much; they’re updated from base image-templates that were in vogue at my birth, the basic options for the society. So I still look like I’m barely out of college. Lilibell and I jet from one conversation, one mean glance, one near embrace, to the next. I spin in three dimensions, bounce off walls, clench my jaw tight.\””,”\”The wrong people are doing the interesting things here. There are half a dozen to a hundred people who could capture the zeitgeist, abuse the ad-hocracies for spectacle, thrill, and profit. They’re all wasting their time on the wrong things, with the files and the House activities. It’s going to take a lot of sick and twisted, far-out shit to rain on the Bitchun parade.\””]
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