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Hadia is the quintessence of a brilliant mind coupled with a steadfast spirit. As a sidekick to the protagonist, her role is far from secondary; she is a pivotal force driving the narrative forward with her sharp intellect and remarkable problem-solving skills. At 26, Hadia has already established herself as a formidable investigator, her quick thinking allowing her to unravel the most intricate of puzzles with a grace that belies the complexity of her tasks. Standing shorter than her counterpart, Fatma, Hadia’s slight build and round face are often the deceptive visage of her true capabilities. Her curly afro is not just a statement of style but speaks to her unapologetic embrace of her identity. Hadia’s appearance is a harmonious blend of strength and femininity, a visual testament to her multifaceted nature. In a world where challenges abound and mysteries lurk in every shadow, Hadia’s abilities are not just valuable; they are essential. Her keen eye for detail and her unwavering dedication to her duties make her an indispensable ally. Her wisdom is encapsulated in her words, “Duty need not be a burden, Fatma. It can be a gift.” This philosophy reflects her intrinsic belief in the honor of service and the fulfillment that comes from contributing to a cause greater than oneself. Hadia’s journey is not just one of assisting in quests or solving enigmas; it is about the celebration of the roles we play in the lives of others and the impact we can make. Her character is a beacon of inspiration, encouraging readers to find the gift in their duties and to approach life’s puzzles with courage and enthusiasm.


“Duty need not be a burden, Fatma. It can be a gift.”


Shorter than Fatma, with a slight build and a round face. She wears her hair in a curly afro.




Strong investigator, quick thinker, good at deciphering puzzles.








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