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Elenor is a complex and multifaceted character in ‘Slow River’. As Lore’s sister, she plays a significant role in the story, impacting Lore’s journey and decisions. Elenor’s interactions with Lore shed light on familial dynamics and the complexities of their relationship.


[““Remember to breathe, Lore. That’s the hard part. Just breathe. In and out.””,”“We all rewrite the past, if only in our heads. But the truth can’t be changed, Lore. And you can’t rewrite the future.””,”“You were my sister, Lore. And I loved you.””]


Elenor has long, flowing blonde hair and gentle hazel eyes. She is of average height and has a calming presence, often exuding an aura of warmth and compassion.




Empathy, Compassion, Resilience


Family Member






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