Egwene al’Vere

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Egwene al’Vere is a central character in ‘The Wheel of Time’ series. She is initially introduced as a strong-willed and determined young woman from Emond’s Field. Throughout the series, Egwene undergoes significant growth as she becomes entangled in the world of Aes Sedai, channelers of the One Power. She displays exceptional strength, leadership, and intelligence as she navigates the complexities of politics and power struggles within the Aes Sedai hierarchy.


[“The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.”,”You smile at me as if you know something I do not. I have known I would wear silks since I was a little girl, Verin. I had a moment of seeing the future, and I knew I would wear silks.”,”I have seen a number of novices come and go in my time, Accepted too, and you’re no different except that you are different. I know you well. There is something about you, and I will get to the bottom of it.”]


Egwene is described as having long, dark hair and deep brown eyes. She has a slim and graceful stature.




Channeling the One Power (saidar), Dreaming ability


Leader, Aes Sedai




In her late teens and early twenties throughout the series.


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