The Yiddish Policemen’s Union is an alternative history novel that takes place in Sitka, an Alaskan city populated by Jews due to a temporary settlement. The story follows Detective Meyer Landsman as he navigates a complex web of conspiracy, murder, and political intrigue in the wake of a mysterious death in one of the city’s hotels. Landsman’s investigation delves into the underbelly of Sitka, exposing a tangle of personal and political motivations. As the case unfolds, the novel explores themes of identity, faith, and the impact of historical events on present-day society. The gripping narrative weaves together elements of noir fiction, speculative fiction, and philosophical introspection to create a compelling and thought-provoking story. The setting of Sitka, with its unique cultural and historical context, adds depth and richness to the plot, making it a central element of the novel’s atmosphere and thematic significance.
Mendel Shpilman
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