Mexican Gothic

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a spooky horror novel set in 1950s Mexico. The story focuses on Noemi Taboada, a determined socialite who ventures to the creepy High Place with the mission of saving her cousin, Catalina, from a seemingly imminent death. Once there, she is confronted by the ancient, twisted secrets harbored in the house, including the horrific deeds of the family she is trying to save Catalina from — the Doyles. The book is a brilliantly unsettling mix of supernatural and psychological horror, wrapped in an evocative and vibrant setting.

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Francis Doyle

Authors: Silvia Moreno-Garcia No Year(s) tags for this post.

Virgil Doyle

Authors: Silvia Moreno-Garcia No Year(s) tags for this post.

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