Holy Fire

The year is 2046, and the world has drastically changed. With the elderly population reaching unprecedented numbers, a new class divide has emerged between the young and old. The story follows a 94-year-old bioenhanced woman, Mia Ziemann, who decides to undergo a controversial rejuvenation treatment, known as the Holy Fire. The treatment not only rejuvenates her body but also her mind, leading Mia to navigate the complex and unfamiliar world of the young. As she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adaptation, she encounters various challenges and experiences, ultimately questioning the nature of identity, age, and society. Holy Fire is a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of technological advancements and the timeless quest for identity and purpose.

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Imagined AI depiction of Leon Weller from "Holy Fire" by Bruce Sterling, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of {'value': 'Mentor', 'rendered': 'Mentor'} in the narrative.

Leon Weller

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Imagined AI depiction of Mia Havero from "Holy Fire" by Bruce Sterling, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of {'value': 'Protagonist', 'rendered': 'Protagonist'} in the narrative.

Mia Havero

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