Advanced Word Problems in Portal Math

Imagined AI depiction of the book "Advanced Word Problems in Portal Math" by Aimee Picchi, encapsulating the essence of this nebula-2020 award winning novel.

In this intriguingly conceptual science fiction novel, math prodigy Alex is recruited by a mysterious organization that uses complex equations to generate portals to alternate realities. As he delves deeper, he discovers not only the expansive multiverse, but also a conspiracy that threatens the stability of existence. The book employs mathematical concepts in its storytelling, making it a thrilling read for science fiction fans and math enthusiasts alike.

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Imagined AI depiction of Radormyr from "Advanced Word Problems in Portal Math" by Aimee Picchi, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Mentor in the narrative.


Authors: Aimee Picchi No Year(s) tags for this post.

Imagined AI depiction of Kerith from "Advanced Word Problems in Portal Math" by Aimee Picchi, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Hero in the narrative.


Authors: Aimee Picchi No Year(s) tags for this post.

Imagined AI depiction of Zarkon from "Advanced Word Problems in Portal Math" by Aimee Picchi, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Villain in the narrative.


Authors: Aimee Picchi No Year(s) tags for this post.

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