Sir Michael

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Sir Michael is a courageous and noble knight known for his unwavering dedication to protecting the kingdom of Arantha and its people from all threats. He epitomizes bravery, chivalry, and selflessness, and is held in high regard by both the common folk and the nobility. Despite his external bravery, Sir Michael also struggles with inner demons and doubts, which he must confront as he embarks on a perilous journey to confront a malevolent sorcerer threatening the realm.


[“\”I vow to protect this kingdom and its people with every ounce of my being.\””,”\”Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.\””,”\”Even in the darkest of times, the light of hope still shines within each of us.\””]


Tall and commanding, with piercing blue eyes that reflect both his determination and compassion. His raven black hair is often seen flowing freely beneath his noble helm.




Exceptional combat skills, unwavering dedication, skilled horseback rider







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