Midnight Robber is a science fiction novel by Nalo Hopkinson that takes place on the colonized planet of Toussaint. The novel follows the story of Tan-Tan, a young girl who is forced to flee to the alternate dimension of New Half-Way Tree to escape her father, filled with creatures from Caribbean folklore. The setting of New Half-Way Tree is a fascinating mix of technology and tradition, drawing inspiration from Caribbean culture and mythology. The story explores themes of resilience, identity, and the impact of colonization. As Tan-Tan journeys through New Half-Way Tree, she encounters unique creatures and navigates the complexities of her new environment, ultimately embracing her role as the Robber Queen. Hopkinson’s vivid world-building and imaginative storytelling create a captivating and immersive reading experience, offering a fresh perspective on science fiction and fantasy.
Grandmother Maisie
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