Patricia Delfine

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Patricia Delfine is a powerful witch and one of the main characters in the novel ‘All the Birds in the Sky’. She is depicted as a strong-willed, independent, and passionate individual with a deep connection to nature and magical abilities. Patricia often struggles with the expectations and limitations placed upon her as a witch, but she embraces her unique powers to protect the environment and aid in the battle to save the world. She is empathetic and deeply caring, using her magical talents to bring positive change to the world around her.


[““Magic is a way of talking to the universe in words that it cannot ignore.””,”“People just want to believe things so that they can stay the same. It’s the way of the world.””,”“The air was silver. The trees were silver, their leaves a million tiny mirrors reflecting the sea.””]


Patricia has long, flowing auburn hair, piercing green eyes, and a tall, slender frame. She has a distinctive birthmark on her left wrist in the shape of a crescent moon.




Nature magic, telepathy, elemental manipulation








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