The Wheel of Time

The Wheel of Time is a high fantasy series by Robert Jordan. The series follows a group of young people from a humble farming village, whose lives change forever when they discover that one of them is destined to either save the world or destroy it. This saga covers their journey across distinctive, complex landscapes filled with different cultures, political structures, and magic. The chosen one must balance the internal struggle with his destiny and the external struggles for power, love, and survival.

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Imagined AI depiction of Rand al’Thor from "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of Reluctant hero, The Dragon Reborn in the narrative.

Rand al’Thor

Authors: Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson No Year(s) tags for this post.

Perrin Aybara

Authors: Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson No Year(s) tags for this post.

Egwene al’Vere

Authors: Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson No Year(s) tags for this post.

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