Remnant Population

Remnant Population is a science fiction novel by Elizabeth Moon. The story follows Ofelia Falfurrias, a 70-year-old woman and one of the last remaining human survivors on a distant planet. After her fellow colonists evacuate the planet, Ofelia finds herself alone and suddenly liberated from the oppressive social norms of her previous life. She determines to build a new existence for herself, far from the confinements of society. As she learns to adapt and thrive in her newfound independence, she forms an unexpected connection with the indigenous alien species, the Li. Despite the initial language barrier and cultural differences, Ofelia establishes a deep bond with the Li, eventually integrating into their society and becoming an integral part of their community. As she immerses herself in their way of life, Ofelia also gains valuable knowledge and understanding about the complex ecosystem of the planet. However, her newfound peace is soon disrupted when human forces return to the planet, posing a threat to the harmony she has found with the Li. Ofelia must now find a way to protect her adopted home and its inhabitants while facing the looming conflict between humans and the Li. The novel delves into themes of identity, belonging, and the resilience of the human spirit, offering a poignant exploration of Ofelia’s journey towards self-discovery and the unbreakable bonds she forms with the beings of the alien world.

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Imagined AI depiction of The Faun from "Remnant Population" by Elizabeth Moon, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of {'value': 'Mentor', 'rendered': 'Mentor'} in the narrative.

The Faun

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Imagined AI depiction of Ofelia from "Remnant Population" by Elizabeth Moon, encapsulating the essence of this iconic archetype of {'value': 'Heroine', 'rendered': 'Heroine'} in the narrative.


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